
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) is a key player in research, development and innovation in four main areas:

  • Defense and security,
  • Nuclear energy (fission and fusion),
  • Technological research for industry,
  • Fundamental research in the physical sciences and life sciences.

Drawing on its widely acknowledged expertise, the CEA actively participates in collaborative projects with a large number of academic and industrial partners.

CEA is established in ten centers spread throughout France. It works in partnership with many other research bodies, local authorities and universities. Within this context, CEA is a stakeholder in a series of national alliances set up to coordinate French research in energy (ANCRE), life sciences and health (AVIESAN), digital science and technology (ALLISTENE), environmental sciences (AllEnvi) and human and social sciences (ATHENA).

CEA in figures (2015)

  • 10 research centers
  • 15 958 technicians, engineers, researchers and staff
  • 4,1 billion euros budget
  • 438 ongoing European projects in 2015
  • 51 joint research units (UMR)
  • 53 framework agreements with universities and schools
  • 753 priority patents filed in 2015
  • 27 Equipex (facilities of excellence)
  • 33 Labex (Laboratories of excellence)
  • 3 Idex (Initiatives of excellence)
  • 187 start-ups since 1972 in the innovative technologies sector

CEA and Raw Materials

Low carbon energies are highly dependent on various critical materials. Since low carbon energies are at the core of CEA’s mission, a significant part of our research and innovation effort is focused on means to reduce our dependence. Hence, in 2015, one could count 90+ collaborative projects related to it (including funding from local, regional & National Research Agencies, but also from FP7/H2020 EU programs (including one advanced ERC Grant REE-CYCLE), as well as many industrial partnerships including five major CAC40 partners.
All these projects have at least one of their work package dedicated to either the minimization, the substitution, or the recycling of such materials. Three startup have been spun off in the past two years in these areas.
Finally, CEA is present in many networking effort such as ERA-MIN, COMES, RARE3, TEAM2, PLATINN, PPP SPIRE, ANCRE/GP2, ECO-SD, EERA/AMPEA, Solar Fuels Institute, COST ACTION CM 1201 PERSPECT-H2O, GDR Solar fuels, GDR Prométhée, ERECON,  ALLENVI, EurOPEM= PROMETIA.

CONTACT : Dr. Hab. Jean-Christophe P. Gabriel
PHONE: +33 438 780 257
WEBSITE: www.cea.fr