Bay Zoltan



Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. is a state-owned Hungarian institute, boosting the international economic significance of companies operating in Hungary by providing them R&D services. The company builds strategic cooperation with researchers known and acclaimed domestically and internationally as well as with an extensive network of contacts, thus playing an active role in building bridges between domestic enterprises and the R&D sphere. In addition to its research services, Bay Zoltán Non-profit Ltd. develops a close and interactive relationship with the domestic players in the national, regional and county-wide innovation systems. Its mission is to implement various national and international research and development projects. The company plays the role of a "bridge of innovation" for its partner institutes through the activities of applied research-development and technology transfer.

Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research focuses our R&D activity on the following areas:

  • Material science, nano- and laser technology
  • Biotechnology 
  • Information and communication technology 
  • Environmental industry 
  • Logistics and industrial production technology 
  • Mechanical, physical, chemical-analytical measurement technology 
  • Control technology

Besides PCRec project, BZN participates other EIT KIC Raw materials projects, in particular:

  • RefresCO – Refresher Courses (Lifelong Education)
  • STORM - Industrial Symbiosis for the Sustainable Management of Raw Materials (Network of Infrastructure)
  • EXTREME – Substitution of critical raw materials (CRMs) in components and coating used under extreme conditions (Network of Infrastructure)
  • BioFlex- Flexible Biometallurgy Infrastructure and Expertise network (Network of Infrastructure)
  • NANOGREAT Graphene NANOcomposites REActors at preindustrial Technology readiness (Network of Infrastructure)
  • NoI Lightweight Materials Production, processing, application and recycling of lightweight metals (Network of Infrastructure)
  • aRAWness Enhancing European Society Awareness of Raw Materials (Wider Society Learning)
  • RM@School Raw Matters Ambassadors at Schools (Wider Society Learning)

CONTACT : Alexandra Németh

PHONE: +3614630553